Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Pros And Cons Of Cohabitation Before Marriage
The Pros and Cons of Cohabitation before Marriage Introduction Social scientists have defined cohabitation as a situation where two adults, male and female live together in a relationship that is intimate and non-marital. The two make living arrangements without legal bounds to stay together before getting married. In most of the countries and in this case in the United States, cohabitation is a common feature among the American family life (Stokes Raley, n.d). It has become a typical pathway to marriage hence becoming a central part of the family landscape for adults and children and this is common in the United States (Mosailova, 2014). Research made by the National Survey of Family Growth indicates that approximately 58 percent of†¦show more content†¦The two want to spend adequate time together and get to understand what is required of them when they get married (Alvare, 2012). In this 21st century, family roles have changed because women today are exposed to life at colleges, get good jobs and also own their apartments meaning that they are free to cohabitate before they get married. This is totally different from traditional families whereby women could only leave their home when heading to their husband s homestead. When the two cohabitate they have more time after work to spend together and also developing routines around daily life and this is essential because it helps in building their relationship (Mosailova, 2014). Moreover, when the two cohabitate, they have the opportunity to learn each other s habits before they say ‘I do’. In the process, the partners test their relationship and also presumably prevent divorce in the future. The median duration of cohabitation is 1.3 years and research has shown that 40 percent of the cohabiting partners break up and this occurs after testing the relationship if good or bad (Alvare, 2012). When they cohabitate, they learn each other behaviors in terms of personal characteristics and develop strategies to work together and also respect each other. Many young people plan to stay together to see if they can really put up with each other after marriage. In the process,Show MoreRelatedLiving Together Before Marriage997 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿SPEECH #2: Deciding Whether or not to Live Together before Marriage Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about making decisions on whether or not to live together before marriage. Thesis: Deciding whether or not to live together before marriage is an important decision to make that has both negative and positive consequences depending on which side you choose. I. Introduction: A. Marriage is like fine win, if tended to properly, it gets better with age. 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For today s young adultsRead MoreMarriage : Then And Now1583 Words  | 7 Pages110 – Marriage Family 9/11/14 Marriage: Then and Now The evolution of marriage has transformed a great deal overtime, and today, is in a unique stage. It is often that couples choose to live together before tying the not. This is called cohabitation. During this time period, couples are able to experience one another at the next level. They learn more about their significant other than ever before, and it is a great assessor as to what the future holds for the two. Whereas cohabitation is widely
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Propaganda Has Been Used Since The Time Of War, And Can
Propaganda has been used since the time of war, and can be as dangerous as war itself. For if there is no propaganda there is no war. Propaganda is a tool used for centuries used in order to convince a group of people to believe in certain things and support certain causes. All great leaders, at one point or another, have used propaganda to gain followers and increase morale. Adolph Hitler knew this better than almost any individual, and used propaganda to convince his followers to believe in things such as antisemitism (Hatred of the Jews). Hitler knew that in order to win people over he had to attack their emotions, for if he could win their emotions he could win their hearts. This led him to have a very theatric approach to leadership.†¦show more content†¦It was the trademark of their rebellion and served as a constant hope in a better future. In the text book, Western Civilization, Perry states, â€Å"Their despair over the condition of their nation turns to hope, and they derive a sense of belonging and mission†(Perry, 469). This was the beginning of the movement and the initial use of propaganda. We see further use of propaganda with the seven commandments of animal farm. After the rebellion, and the animals won over the farm, the pigs naturally took the lead. They came up with the seven commandments of animalism, which all animals are to follow. This consisted of rules such as no animal should walk on two legs, and no animal should kill another animal. All of the animals were excited about the rules, and began to remember them as soon as possible. Orwell states, â€Å"All the animals nodded in complete agreement, and the cleverer ones at once began to learn the Commandments by heart†(Orwell 25). Then throughout the story the pigs manipulated the commandments for the benefit of themselves and convinced the animals that the commandments are the same as they always were. Squealer was a brilliant speaker with a lot of charm who was always able to convince the animals, who weren’t very intelligent, to believe whatever he said. For example, one rule in the seven commandments is no animal should commence trade or receive money from human beings.Show MoreRelatedPropaganda and its Use in Society: Is it Fair? Essay978 Words  | 4 Pages Propaganda consists of the planned use of any form of public or mass-produced communication designed to affect the minds and emotions of a given group for a specific purpose, whether military, economic, or political (Levinson). Propaganda is used to gain the support of its viewers on an issue by either false or misleading information. In every war, from the First World War to the present day in Iraq, military propaganda has been used intensely. Military propaganda is the most effective typeRead MoreAnimal Farm by George Orwell Essay1488 Words  | 6 PagesOrwell’s Animal Farm is a story of pure propaganda. Propaganda is a recurring theme and technique seen and used by characters in the book, as well as the author. Animal Farm is an allegory that focuses on the communist revolution in Russia. Being an allegory, events in the book accurately depict actual events in history that actually relate to propaganda. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Propaganda is a central element to the plot of Animal Farm. Propaganda is used by various methods in the book. TheseRead MoreThe Great War : The Mobilization Of Women1596 Words  | 7 PagesTHE GREAT WAR: THE MOBILIZATION OF WOMEN In 1914 the Great War, later known as World War I, erupted throughout Europe. With isolationism’s strong hold on the American government, it was not until 1917 that the United States entered the war on the side of the Allies. With this new challenge facing the United States, propaganda began to dominate the majority of images produced in the United States during this period. With the bulk of the male population overseas much of the propaganda was geared inRead MoreThe Propaganda Of The Cold War1098 Words  | 5 Pages Propagating Patriotism For years people have used propaganda to sway the public into joining their side, and to hate the opposing argument and the people of said argument. During the Cold War the United States and Russia were both trying to win the hearts of their respective nations while fighting each other not physically of course but with tactics. To have a chance at winning one had to have the unconditional support of its people. Propaganda is an excellent way to spread a fear. This wouldRead MoreThe Influence Of Propaganda During The World War II1331 Words  | 6 PagesES/LA,  ¾ Final The Influence of Propaganda Over the course of history there have been numerous wars, and during those wars there has been one thing that has helped in the victors struggle. Propaganda which is the misleading nature of information which is used to promote a particular political cause or point of view was used by the common people in 1914 when World War 1 began, World War 2 Followed the first World War after over two decades and like the first war Propaganda was a main factor. The AlliesRead MoreThe War Of The World War II846 Words  | 4 Pageshappened during this time. One of the most major events that effected the world is World War II. It is an event that will never be forgotten because of how many different countries were involved and how it affected the Jews as well. 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Usually, we have stereotypesRead MoreComparison of Media Propaganda Used During the Two World Wars1715 Words  | 7 PagesWith this essay I will be comparing the way propaganda was used during the World Wars, what was their aim and target audiences and how they affected civilian and military moral and more importantly how art and poster design was used to properly influence and imprint ideas and morals to the viewers. I will also compare how different design techniques were used in each war and how effective or ineffective they were in each case and what their common attributes were and in what way they were differentRead More Propaganda and Its Effect on America Essay1698 Words  | 7 PagesPropaganda and Its Effect on America Thesis: Propaganda was a tool that leaders used to get people involved in wars of the past. Propaganda, a term that only reminds people of corruption and manipulation. Others, it reminds of advertising and raising American spirit. Well, they are both right. [â€Å"Propaganda†Pg. 1, sec.1]      Propaganda is a specific type of message presentation aimed at serving an agenda. At its root, propaganda is to propagate (spread around) a certain position orRead MoreEssay on The Functions of Stereotypes in Propaganda1220 Words  | 5 Pagesin Propaganda A leader with no followers is a guy taking a walk. Good leaders whether it be opinion or political, rarely if ever walk by themselves. The information theydisseminate more often than not leaves them with a hoard of followers that conform to their ideas or cause. The circulated information is known as propaganda. The Webster dictionary defines propaganda as, ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further ones cause or to damage an opposing cause. Propaganda has
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Market Opportunity Analysis for New Product-Samples for Students
Question: Undertake a market opportunity analysis for a new product. You will present the market opportunity analysis as a portfolio. Answer: Description of the new product The product launched by FitOn is a smart watch that can help people to identify the vital signs and check the health of the people in a proper manner. The product can also act as a watch as people can count the rate of heartbeat and understand the level of fitness that they possess. A chart regarding the blood oxygen saturation level (Spo2) is also provided that can help in determining the level at which the blood oxygen level of the individual exists. The Heart Rate Variability (HRV) can also be determined with the help of this product. Apart from this, the watch is also waterproof meaning that people indulged in swimming exercises can wear the watch and determine the vital signs and rate of respiration while swimming. This product can be beneficial for sports person or people indulged in regular exercises in order to determine the health and stamina of the people (, 2017). However, in order to launch the product in the Australian market, it is necessary to analyse the market of Australia. The analysis includes the business trends, needs of the customers, competitors and other factors that help in determining and influencing the purchasing power of customers. Huang, Tzeng Ong (2017) stated that in order to determine the business trends it is necessary to identify certain factors that play an effective role in business. These include: Demographic: The demographic factor of a country includes the population, age, gender, level of education, income level, religion and family size. In the case of Australia, the size of the population that can afford or need to purchase these watch is low. This is because Australia is not a densely populated country. Economic: According to Solomon (2014), the economic condition of the country can fluctuate owing to the rise and fall of the value of dollars. Hence, this can be a huge factor for managers as the price of the product need to be determined based on the economic condition of the country. Natural: The natural environment determines the level of pollution in the country. In Sydney, the level of Ultra-Violet rays from the sun is high leading to the occurrence of skin diseases among the people. Hence, this factor needs to be considered before the launch in order to determine the effectiveness of the product. Technological: As stated by Dibb (2017) technology is an essential factor in the modern business environment. Every customer uses technology in order to continue his or her daily work. Thus, the technological impact on the country is high as Australia is a highly developed country. Political: The political factor of Australia allows business to continue as long as it does not affect the environment in a negative manner. In the case of the watch, it can be said that the environment of the country cannot be polluted as the product watch is used for helping people determine the health (Baker Saren, 2016). Cultural: The cultural factor of Australia consists of both high and low cultural groups of people. However, among the cultural groups, sub-cultures can be formed consisting of people interested in sports and exercises. Having analysed the business trends it can be said that the customer needs are also an essential factor that needs to be analysed. The determining factors that are to be analysed include suppliers, customers and competitors. Suppliers: The suppliers of the product need to be considered before purchasing the product. The place and the price offered by the suppliers affect the supply of the product. This is because customers may find the cost of the product to be more from one supplier than others provide. Hence, it is necessary for the managers of the company to determine the suppliers before launching the product in the market. Customers: Armstrong et al., (2015) stated that it is important to identify the target customers to whom the products can be sold. This is important as it can help the managers to determine the type of product that needs to be manufactured and the cost of it. In the case of the smart watch launched by FitOn, the target customers for the company are the people involved in sports and indulging in exercises. Competitors: One of the biggest competitors that this company may face is from Apple. This is because Apple has launched a smart watch using which people can connect to the internet, listen to music and use it as a phone (Armstrong et al., 2014). This multipurpose smart watch can be a huge demand in the recent market. However, a competitive edge can be gained as the product launched by FitOn is water resistant and helps in maintaining the health of the people. Thus, based on the analysis of external environment that may affect the product, an analysis of the internal environment can be conducted. Conducting a SWOT analysis In order to identify the internal analysis of the company, determining the strengths and weakness of FitOn and the smart watch is necessary. On the other hand, the opportunities and threats can be determined by the external analysis conducted in order to determine the market of Australia. Thus, a SWOT analysis can be conducted of the smart watch. Strengths Provides for a proper health check Prevents impact of water Possess the use of high-quality technology Weakness Costly Marketing of the product is less Target market is often non-responsive Opportunities Market growth Popularity of the product among sportspeople Non-interference of the Government Threats Competitors Economic condition Demography Table: SWOT Analysis (Source: Created by author) From the analysis it can be seen that FitOn smart watches have the ability to provide a proper health check of the people. The fact that it determines the essential health requirements of the people is an important strength of the product. Moreover, another advantage that the product provides is the fact that people indulged in swimming can use it. The water-resistant feature of the product can make it a huge success in the market. The high technology used for the product is another advantage of the product. Apart from measuring the health of the people, the product can also be used for internet and social activities. However, due to the cost of the product, most customers may be reluctant to purchase it due to the high costs of the product. The fact that the target market also does not respond to the market is another weakness that the smart watches face. However, after the analysis of the internal factors and the external factors the opportunities of the smart watch can be determined. By making changes to the price of the product, the smart watch may have a huge market. This can be possible because of the non-interfere of the Australian Government in terms of business. The popularity of the product among the sports people in Australia can help in the launch of the product in the international market, as Australia takes part in every major sporting event in the world. The threats of the product may come from the competitors and the fact that Australia has a lower population as compared to other countries in the world. This may hamper the growth of the product in the Australian market. Scope and concept of marketing According to Hollensen (2015), marketing is considered as an activity that can be considered as a process of creating, communicating and delivering services as per the needs and satisfaction of the customers. Over the years, marketing has evolved and in the present day marketing is one of the most important factors for the success of a company. In the case of the smart watch, the marketing of the product needs to be such that it determines the needs of the customers. In this regard, certain activities related to marketing can be considered in order to determine the evolution of marketing in the modern world. These activities include: Distribution: This symbolises the activity required for transferring the product from the company to the customers. This either can be done directly to the customers or may involve the help from the suppliers and intermediaries. Financing: According to Cross, Belich and Rudelius (2015), investments made in a product need to be considered before setting up the price. This can help in determining the price in a way so that the products can be launched in the market. Promotion: The promotion of the product is one of the important factors of marketing. Without proper promotion, companies cannot reach the target market and gain the popularity of the product. Market research: Huang and Sarigll (2014) stated that without proper market research, it could be difficult for companies to determine the target market. In the modern, this also helps to determine the level of threat expected from the competitors. Explaining marketing research techniques One of the main reasons for conducting marketing research is to identify the external factors that affect the business environment. These factors normally are the determining factors that influence the behaviour of the customers as well. In order to conduct a proper market research, it is necessary to implement certain techniques (Hanssens et al., 2014). These techniques may include in-depth interviews with the customers in order to understand the factors that affect the purchasing power. It may also include a customer survey that can determine precise responses owing to the tastes and preferences of the customers. Thus, these techniques can help in the proper interaction with the customers and determine the level of competition that can be faced by FitOn while trying to launch the new product. Differentiating marketing mix and extended marketing mix Marketing mix refers to a set of tools that are used by marketers to determine the marketing objective for a company (Khan, 2014). Initially, the elements of marketing mix consisted of product, price, place and promotion. However, with the advancement in the business market, the tool was extended to three more elements. These include people, process and physical evidence. Baker Saren (2016) stated that the reason for the expansion of the elements is that the extended version consists of elements that are equally important for determining the market strategy. The involvement of the people is essential to understand the process undertaken to manufacture a product. The physical evidence is required so that the customers can understand the quality of the product by feeling it instead of seeing it with the help of sight or referral. References Armstrong, G., Adam, S., Denize, S., Kotler, P. (2014).Principles of marketing. Pearson Australia. Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M. Brennan, R., (2015).Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. Baker, M.J. Saren, M. eds., (2016).Marketing theory: a student text. Sage. Cross, J.C., Belich, T.J. Rudelius, W., (2015). How marketing managers use market segmentation: An exploratory study. InProceedings of the 1990 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference(pp. 531-536). Springer, Cham. Dibb, S., (2017). Changing Times for Social Marketing Segmentation. InSegmentation in Social Marketing(pp. 41-59). Springer Singapore. Hanssens, D.M., Pauwels, K.H., Srinivasan, S., Vanhuele, M. Yildirim, G., (2014). Consumer attitude metrics for guiding marketing mix decisions.Marketing Science,33(4), 534-550. Hollensen, S., (2015).Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education. Huang, J.J., Tzeng, G.H. Ong, C.S., (2017). Marketing segmentation using support vector clustering.Expert systems with applications,32(2),.313-317. Huang, R. Sarigll, E., (2014). How brand awareness relates to market outcome, brand equity, and the marketing mix. InFashion Branding and Consumer Behaviors(pp. 113-132). Springer New York. Khan, M.T., (2014). The concept of'marketing mix'and its elements (a conceptual review paper).International journal of information, business and management,6(2), 95. (2017).FitOn: World's 1st Blood Oxygen Saturation Smart watch. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2017]. Solomon, M. R. (2014).Consumer behavior: Buying, having, and being(Vol. 10). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Summary of Why a Global Language Essay Example For Students
Summary of Why a Global Language Essay Summary of Why a Global Language In why a Global Language, author David Crystal explains what a global language is, how English has become the global language of today, and also why it is important for the world to have a global language. The article begins with David Crystal going explaining how English is the global language today. He explains how English is everywhere, it can be found all around the world, even headlines in other countries are written in English. From here David switches views and shows the reader that not everyone understands English, others all around the world, view English differently. We will write a custom essay on Summary of Why a Global Language specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now English is not everyone’s first language and some even may feel threatened that because English is growing so quickly, it makes their first langue’s seem powerless. David ends this first section saying that it is natural for people to feel overwhelmed or threatened by English, but as English grows, everyone is able to benefit more from one global language. In the next section of the text, David Crystal Explains what a global language is. He explains that for a language to be a global language when it has developed a â€Å"specific role†in other countries. This â€Å"specific role†basically means that a certain amount of people needs to understand this language. It is because of second languages that the use of a global language has become inevitable. English is becoming the global language today because in over 100 countries English is taught to students as a second language. The next section talked about by David is â€Å"what makes a global language? †He goes on to explain that the number of people who speak the language is important but it isn’t quite as important as how powerful the group of people who speak the language is. If a small country is somewhat powerless and becomes taken over by a much larger more powerful country, then chances are the country is going to start using the larger country’s language as their main language and the existence of the old language will go away. Also different languages are adapted faster or slower depending on how easy they are to lean. English is derived from many other languages witch makes it easy to learn. And also English is gender exempt. Language has a lot to do with the culture of the language’s people. The last part of the article explains why a global language is needed. As the technology of the world today is growing so rapidly, communication around the world is more necessary now than it has ever been in our past. With the increases of international contact, it has become more important that a global language is set up to allow easy communication. Because English is already known by so many, it has made its way to becoming the next true global language. Paraphrase Practice pg. 354 paragraph 14 The strength of a language depends less on how many people speak it and more on the power of the people who do speak it. Languages don’t live anywhere other than in the minds and mouths of the people who speak that language, if these people were to die off or somehow forget their language, the language is going to die off. If a culture is strong and powerful, the language is going to be spread along with the culture and grow. If the culture is weak or dyeing off the language of that culture is going to be weak and die off with it.
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