Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Pros And Cons Of Cohabitation Before Marriage
The Pros and Cons of Cohabitation before Marriage Introduction Social scientists have defined cohabitation as a situation where two adults, male and female live together in a relationship that is intimate and non-marital. The two make living arrangements without legal bounds to stay together before getting married. In most of the countries and in this case in the United States, cohabitation is a common feature among the American family life (Stokes Raley, n.d). It has become a typical pathway to marriage hence becoming a central part of the family landscape for adults and children and this is common in the United States (Mosailova, 2014). Research made by the National Survey of Family Growth indicates that approximately 58 percent of†¦show more content†¦The two want to spend adequate time together and get to understand what is required of them when they get married (Alvare, 2012). In this 21st century, family roles have changed because women today are exposed to life at colleges, get good jobs and also own their apartments meaning that they are free to cohabitate before they get married. This is totally different from traditional families whereby women could only leave their home when heading to their husband s homestead. When the two cohabitate they have more time after work to spend together and also developing routines around daily life and this is essential because it helps in building their relationship (Mosailova, 2014). Moreover, when the two cohabitate, they have the opportunity to learn each other s habits before they say ‘I do’. In the process, the partners test their relationship and also presumably prevent divorce in the future. The median duration of cohabitation is 1.3 years and research has shown that 40 percent of the cohabiting partners break up and this occurs after testing the relationship if good or bad (Alvare, 2012). When they cohabitate, they learn each other behaviors in terms of personal characteristics and develop strategies to work together and also respect each other. Many young people plan to stay together to see if they can really put up with each other after marriage. In the process,Show MoreRelatedLiving Together Before Marriage997 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿SPEECH #2: Deciding Whether or not to Live Together before Marriage Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about making decisions on whether or not to live together before marriage. Thesis: Deciding whether or not to live together before marriage is an important decision to make that has both negative and positive consequences depending on which side you choose. I. Introduction: A. Marriage is like fine win, if tended to properly, it gets better with age. According to Neil Shah, â€Å"In theRead Moreterm paper about living together before marriage1464 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿LIVING TOGETHER BEFORE MARRIAGE The human being and their society are always constant motion. In modern life, there are new tendencies which a lot of different than traditional countries appear. One of aspects changed quickly all over the world is love, marriage and family. A flower cannot without sunshine and man cannot live without love. (Max Muller) Love is a sacred and wonderful sentiment. In generation past, marriage and living together forever are a last destination of loveRead MoreMarriage Vs Cohabitation : Marriage And Cohabitation1055 Words  | 5 PagesMarriage Vs Cohabitation Introduction: The picture of family has changed dramatically in the last fifty years, due to the incline of cohabitation before marriage. Cohabitation is extremely popular and has become quite the trend. 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A total of 4.9 million households consisted of heterosexual cohabiting couples in 2000 (Sassler, 2007). TheRead MoreC ohabitation By Andrew J. Postag81v1 s Article From 2004, The Deinstitutionalization Of American Marriage Essay1487 Words  | 6 PagesOver the past few decades, cohabitation has become more recent for couples and families. Cohabitation is when a couple who is not married is living under the same roof as if they are married. It does not refer to roommates or family members who live together, at least two people have to be in a romantic union for it to count as cohabitation. Cohabiting can be for a variety of different reasons. In the 1990s, around 2.5 million people were cohabiting but as of 2015 about 8.3 million people wereRead MoreThe Trial Period Before Marriage1670 Words  | 7 PagesThe Trial Period before Marriage PART A For many decades, cohabitation has been a common trend and is steadily on the rise, especially in the United States. It has been labeled â€Å"the norm†for couples to live together before marriage. Cohabitation has taken research into a new level and new research is evolving day by day with factors related to cohabitation first and marriage next. The types of research that is currently present in today’s society is information on cohabitation and economic factorsRead MoreShould We Live Together1601 Words  | 7 PagesShould We Live Together? 1 Should We Live Together? What Young Adults Need to Know about Cohabitation Alita Lyon Utilizing Information, COM 125 Professor Verdi June 17, 2007 Should We Live Together? 2 Should We Live Together? A Review of the Literature Cohabitation is replacing marriage as the first living together experience for young men and women. When brides walk down the aisle over half have already lived together with a boyfriend. For today s young adultsRead MoreMarriage : Then And Now1583 Words  | 7 Pages110 – Marriage Family 9/11/14 Marriage: Then and Now The evolution of marriage has transformed a great deal overtime, and today, is in a unique stage. It is often that couples choose to live together before tying the not. This is called cohabitation. During this time period, couples are able to experience one another at the next level. They learn more about their significant other than ever before, and it is a great assessor as to what the future holds for the two. Whereas cohabitation is widely
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Propaganda Has Been Used Since The Time Of War, And Can
Propaganda has been used since the time of war, and can be as dangerous as war itself. For if there is no propaganda there is no war. Propaganda is a tool used for centuries used in order to convince a group of people to believe in certain things and support certain causes. All great leaders, at one point or another, have used propaganda to gain followers and increase morale. Adolph Hitler knew this better than almost any individual, and used propaganda to convince his followers to believe in things such as antisemitism (Hatred of the Jews). Hitler knew that in order to win people over he had to attack their emotions, for if he could win their emotions he could win their hearts. This led him to have a very theatric approach to leadership.†¦show more content†¦It was the trademark of their rebellion and served as a constant hope in a better future. In the text book, Western Civilization, Perry states, â€Å"Their despair over the condition of their nation turns to hope, and they derive a sense of belonging and mission†(Perry, 469). This was the beginning of the movement and the initial use of propaganda. We see further use of propaganda with the seven commandments of animal farm. After the rebellion, and the animals won over the farm, the pigs naturally took the lead. They came up with the seven commandments of animalism, which all animals are to follow. This consisted of rules such as no animal should walk on two legs, and no animal should kill another animal. All of the animals were excited about the rules, and began to remember them as soon as possible. Orwell states, â€Å"All the animals nodded in complete agreement, and the cleverer ones at once began to learn the Commandments by heart†(Orwell 25). Then throughout the story the pigs manipulated the commandments for the benefit of themselves and convinced the animals that the commandments are the same as they always were. Squealer was a brilliant speaker with a lot of charm who was always able to convince the animals, who weren’t very intelligent, to believe whatever he said. For example, one rule in the seven commandments is no animal should commence trade or receive money from human beings.Show MoreRelatedPropaganda and its Use in Society: Is it Fair? Essay978 Words  | 4 Pages Propaganda consists of the planned use of any form of public or mass-produced communication designed to affect the minds and emotions of a given group for a specific purpose, whether military, economic, or political (Levinson). Propaganda is used to gain the support of its viewers on an issue by either false or misleading information. In every war, from the First World War to the present day in Iraq, military propaganda has been used intensely. Military propaganda is the most effective typeRead MoreAnimal Farm by George Orwell Essay1488 Words  | 6 PagesOrwell’s Animal Farm is a story of pure propaganda. Propaganda is a recurring theme and technique seen and used by characters in the book, as well as the author. Animal Farm is an allegory that focuses on the communist revolution in Russia. Being an allegory, events in the book accurately depict actual events in history that actually relate to propaganda. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Propaganda is a central element to the plot of Animal Farm. Propaganda is used by various methods in the book. TheseRead MoreThe Great War : The Mobilization Of Women1596 Words  | 7 PagesTHE GREAT WAR: THE MOBILIZATION OF WOMEN In 1914 the Great War, later known as World War I, erupted throughout Europe. With isolationism’s strong hold on the American government, it was not until 1917 that the United States entered the war on the side of the Allies. With this new challenge facing the United States, propaganda began to dominate the majority of images produced in the United States during this period. With the bulk of the male population overseas much of the propaganda was geared inRead MoreThe Propaganda Of The Cold War1098 Words  | 5 Pages Propagating Patriotism For years people have used propaganda to sway the public into joining their side, and to hate the opposing argument and the people of said argument. During the Cold War the United States and Russia were both trying to win the hearts of their respective nations while fighting each other not physically of course but with tactics. To have a chance at winning one had to have the unconditional support of its people. Propaganda is an excellent way to spread a fear. This wouldRead MoreThe Influence Of Propaganda During The World War II1331 Words  | 6 PagesES/LA,  ¾ Final The Influence of Propaganda Over the course of history there have been numerous wars, and during those wars there has been one thing that has helped in the victors struggle. Propaganda which is the misleading nature of information which is used to promote a particular political cause or point of view was used by the common people in 1914 when World War 1 began, World War 2 Followed the first World War after over two decades and like the first war Propaganda was a main factor. The AlliesRead MoreThe War Of The World War II846 Words  | 4 Pageshappened during this time. One of the most major events that effected the world is World War II. It is an event that will never be forgotten because of how many different countries were involved and how it affected the Jews as well. During the war, the United States started to put up posters to get people to join the army and there were other countries that convinced the people to invest money into the war. Without the propaganda and the use of artwork on posters and flyers that they used to influence peopleRead More Stereotypes, Discrimination and Prejudice Essay1506 Words  | 7 Pagesand three teenage boys wearing leather jackets, it is likely that she will feel threatened by the latter and not the former. Why is this so? To start off, we have made a generalization in each case. By stereotyping, we assume that a person or group has certain characteristics. Often, these stereotypical generalizations are not accurate. We are succumbing to prejudice by ?ascribing characteristics about a person based on a stereotype, without knowledge of the total facts?1. Usually, we have stereotypesRead MoreComparison of Media Propaganda Used During the Two World Wars1715 Words  | 7 PagesWith this essay I will be comparing the way propaganda was used during the World Wars, what was their aim and target audiences and how they affected civilian and military moral and more importantly how art and poster design was used to properly influence and imprint ideas and morals to the viewers. I will also compare how different design techniques were used in each war and how effective or ineffective they were in each case and what their common attributes were and in what way they were differentRead More Propaganda and Its Effect on America Essay1698 Words  | 7 PagesPropaganda and Its Effect on America Thesis: Propaganda was a tool that leaders used to get people involved in wars of the past. Propaganda, a term that only reminds people of corruption and manipulation. Others, it reminds of advertising and raising American spirit. Well, they are both right. [â€Å"Propaganda†Pg. 1, sec.1]      Propaganda is a specific type of message presentation aimed at serving an agenda. At its root, propaganda is to propagate (spread around) a certain position orRead MoreEssay on The Functions of Stereotypes in Propaganda1220 Words  | 5 Pagesin Propaganda A leader with no followers is a guy taking a walk. Good leaders whether it be opinion or political, rarely if ever walk by themselves. The information theydisseminate more often than not leaves them with a hoard of followers that conform to their ideas or cause. The circulated information is known as propaganda. The Webster dictionary defines propaganda as, ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further ones cause or to damage an opposing cause. Propaganda has
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Market Opportunity Analysis for New Product-Samples for Students
Question: Undertake a market opportunity analysis for a new product. You will present the market opportunity analysis as a portfolio. Answer: Description of the new product The product launched by FitOn is a smart watch that can help people to identify the vital signs and check the health of the people in a proper manner. The product can also act as a watch as people can count the rate of heartbeat and understand the level of fitness that they possess. A chart regarding the blood oxygen saturation level (Spo2) is also provided that can help in determining the level at which the blood oxygen level of the individual exists. The Heart Rate Variability (HRV) can also be determined with the help of this product. Apart from this, the watch is also waterproof meaning that people indulged in swimming exercises can wear the watch and determine the vital signs and rate of respiration while swimming. This product can be beneficial for sports person or people indulged in regular exercises in order to determine the health and stamina of the people (, 2017). However, in order to launch the product in the Australian market, it is necessary to analyse the market of Australia. The analysis includes the business trends, needs of the customers, competitors and other factors that help in determining and influencing the purchasing power of customers. Huang, Tzeng Ong (2017) stated that in order to determine the business trends it is necessary to identify certain factors that play an effective role in business. These include: Demographic: The demographic factor of a country includes the population, age, gender, level of education, income level, religion and family size. In the case of Australia, the size of the population that can afford or need to purchase these watch is low. This is because Australia is not a densely populated country. Economic: According to Solomon (2014), the economic condition of the country can fluctuate owing to the rise and fall of the value of dollars. Hence, this can be a huge factor for managers as the price of the product need to be determined based on the economic condition of the country. Natural: The natural environment determines the level of pollution in the country. In Sydney, the level of Ultra-Violet rays from the sun is high leading to the occurrence of skin diseases among the people. Hence, this factor needs to be considered before the launch in order to determine the effectiveness of the product. Technological: As stated by Dibb (2017) technology is an essential factor in the modern business environment. Every customer uses technology in order to continue his or her daily work. Thus, the technological impact on the country is high as Australia is a highly developed country. Political: The political factor of Australia allows business to continue as long as it does not affect the environment in a negative manner. In the case of the watch, it can be said that the environment of the country cannot be polluted as the product watch is used for helping people determine the health (Baker Saren, 2016). Cultural: The cultural factor of Australia consists of both high and low cultural groups of people. However, among the cultural groups, sub-cultures can be formed consisting of people interested in sports and exercises. Having analysed the business trends it can be said that the customer needs are also an essential factor that needs to be analysed. The determining factors that are to be analysed include suppliers, customers and competitors. Suppliers: The suppliers of the product need to be considered before purchasing the product. The place and the price offered by the suppliers affect the supply of the product. This is because customers may find the cost of the product to be more from one supplier than others provide. Hence, it is necessary for the managers of the company to determine the suppliers before launching the product in the market. Customers: Armstrong et al., (2015) stated that it is important to identify the target customers to whom the products can be sold. This is important as it can help the managers to determine the type of product that needs to be manufactured and the cost of it. In the case of the smart watch launched by FitOn, the target customers for the company are the people involved in sports and indulging in exercises. Competitors: One of the biggest competitors that this company may face is from Apple. This is because Apple has launched a smart watch using which people can connect to the internet, listen to music and use it as a phone (Armstrong et al., 2014). This multipurpose smart watch can be a huge demand in the recent market. However, a competitive edge can be gained as the product launched by FitOn is water resistant and helps in maintaining the health of the people. Thus, based on the analysis of external environment that may affect the product, an analysis of the internal environment can be conducted. Conducting a SWOT analysis In order to identify the internal analysis of the company, determining the strengths and weakness of FitOn and the smart watch is necessary. On the other hand, the opportunities and threats can be determined by the external analysis conducted in order to determine the market of Australia. Thus, a SWOT analysis can be conducted of the smart watch. Strengths Provides for a proper health check Prevents impact of water Possess the use of high-quality technology Weakness Costly Marketing of the product is less Target market is often non-responsive Opportunities Market growth Popularity of the product among sportspeople Non-interference of the Government Threats Competitors Economic condition Demography Table: SWOT Analysis (Source: Created by author) From the analysis it can be seen that FitOn smart watches have the ability to provide a proper health check of the people. The fact that it determines the essential health requirements of the people is an important strength of the product. Moreover, another advantage that the product provides is the fact that people indulged in swimming can use it. The water-resistant feature of the product can make it a huge success in the market. The high technology used for the product is another advantage of the product. Apart from measuring the health of the people, the product can also be used for internet and social activities. However, due to the cost of the product, most customers may be reluctant to purchase it due to the high costs of the product. The fact that the target market also does not respond to the market is another weakness that the smart watches face. However, after the analysis of the internal factors and the external factors the opportunities of the smart watch can be determined. By making changes to the price of the product, the smart watch may have a huge market. This can be possible because of the non-interfere of the Australian Government in terms of business. The popularity of the product among the sports people in Australia can help in the launch of the product in the international market, as Australia takes part in every major sporting event in the world. The threats of the product may come from the competitors and the fact that Australia has a lower population as compared to other countries in the world. This may hamper the growth of the product in the Australian market. Scope and concept of marketing According to Hollensen (2015), marketing is considered as an activity that can be considered as a process of creating, communicating and delivering services as per the needs and satisfaction of the customers. Over the years, marketing has evolved and in the present day marketing is one of the most important factors for the success of a company. In the case of the smart watch, the marketing of the product needs to be such that it determines the needs of the customers. In this regard, certain activities related to marketing can be considered in order to determine the evolution of marketing in the modern world. These activities include: Distribution: This symbolises the activity required for transferring the product from the company to the customers. This either can be done directly to the customers or may involve the help from the suppliers and intermediaries. Financing: According to Cross, Belich and Rudelius (2015), investments made in a product need to be considered before setting up the price. This can help in determining the price in a way so that the products can be launched in the market. Promotion: The promotion of the product is one of the important factors of marketing. Without proper promotion, companies cannot reach the target market and gain the popularity of the product. Market research: Huang and Sarigll (2014) stated that without proper market research, it could be difficult for companies to determine the target market. In the modern, this also helps to determine the level of threat expected from the competitors. Explaining marketing research techniques One of the main reasons for conducting marketing research is to identify the external factors that affect the business environment. These factors normally are the determining factors that influence the behaviour of the customers as well. In order to conduct a proper market research, it is necessary to implement certain techniques (Hanssens et al., 2014). These techniques may include in-depth interviews with the customers in order to understand the factors that affect the purchasing power. It may also include a customer survey that can determine precise responses owing to the tastes and preferences of the customers. Thus, these techniques can help in the proper interaction with the customers and determine the level of competition that can be faced by FitOn while trying to launch the new product. Differentiating marketing mix and extended marketing mix Marketing mix refers to a set of tools that are used by marketers to determine the marketing objective for a company (Khan, 2014). Initially, the elements of marketing mix consisted of product, price, place and promotion. However, with the advancement in the business market, the tool was extended to three more elements. These include people, process and physical evidence. Baker Saren (2016) stated that the reason for the expansion of the elements is that the extended version consists of elements that are equally important for determining the market strategy. The involvement of the people is essential to understand the process undertaken to manufacture a product. The physical evidence is required so that the customers can understand the quality of the product by feeling it instead of seeing it with the help of sight or referral. References Armstrong, G., Adam, S., Denize, S., Kotler, P. (2014).Principles of marketing. Pearson Australia. Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M. Brennan, R., (2015).Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. Baker, M.J. Saren, M. eds., (2016).Marketing theory: a student text. Sage. Cross, J.C., Belich, T.J. Rudelius, W., (2015). How marketing managers use market segmentation: An exploratory study. InProceedings of the 1990 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference(pp. 531-536). Springer, Cham. Dibb, S., (2017). Changing Times for Social Marketing Segmentation. InSegmentation in Social Marketing(pp. 41-59). Springer Singapore. Hanssens, D.M., Pauwels, K.H., Srinivasan, S., Vanhuele, M. Yildirim, G., (2014). Consumer attitude metrics for guiding marketing mix decisions.Marketing Science,33(4), 534-550. Hollensen, S., (2015).Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education. Huang, J.J., Tzeng, G.H. Ong, C.S., (2017). Marketing segmentation using support vector clustering.Expert systems with applications,32(2),.313-317. Huang, R. Sarigll, E., (2014). How brand awareness relates to market outcome, brand equity, and the marketing mix. InFashion Branding and Consumer Behaviors(pp. 113-132). Springer New York. Khan, M.T., (2014). The concept of'marketing mix'and its elements (a conceptual review paper).International journal of information, business and management,6(2), 95. (2017).FitOn: World's 1st Blood Oxygen Saturation Smart watch. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2017]. Solomon, M. R. (2014).Consumer behavior: Buying, having, and being(Vol. 10). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Summary of Why a Global Language Essay Example For Students
Summary of Why a Global Language Essay Summary of Why a Global Language In why a Global Language, author David Crystal explains what a global language is, how English has become the global language of today, and also why it is important for the world to have a global language. The article begins with David Crystal going explaining how English is the global language today. He explains how English is everywhere, it can be found all around the world, even headlines in other countries are written in English. From here David switches views and shows the reader that not everyone understands English, others all around the world, view English differently. We will write a custom essay on Summary of Why a Global Language specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now English is not everyone’s first language and some even may feel threatened that because English is growing so quickly, it makes their first langue’s seem powerless. David ends this first section saying that it is natural for people to feel overwhelmed or threatened by English, but as English grows, everyone is able to benefit more from one global language. In the next section of the text, David Crystal Explains what a global language is. He explains that for a language to be a global language when it has developed a â€Å"specific role†in other countries. This â€Å"specific role†basically means that a certain amount of people needs to understand this language. It is because of second languages that the use of a global language has become inevitable. English is becoming the global language today because in over 100 countries English is taught to students as a second language. The next section talked about by David is â€Å"what makes a global language? †He goes on to explain that the number of people who speak the language is important but it isn’t quite as important as how powerful the group of people who speak the language is. If a small country is somewhat powerless and becomes taken over by a much larger more powerful country, then chances are the country is going to start using the larger country’s language as their main language and the existence of the old language will go away. Also different languages are adapted faster or slower depending on how easy they are to lean. English is derived from many other languages witch makes it easy to learn. And also English is gender exempt. Language has a lot to do with the culture of the language’s people. The last part of the article explains why a global language is needed. As the technology of the world today is growing so rapidly, communication around the world is more necessary now than it has ever been in our past. With the increases of international contact, it has become more important that a global language is set up to allow easy communication. Because English is already known by so many, it has made its way to becoming the next true global language. Paraphrase Practice pg. 354 paragraph 14 The strength of a language depends less on how many people speak it and more on the power of the people who do speak it. Languages don’t live anywhere other than in the minds and mouths of the people who speak that language, if these people were to die off or somehow forget their language, the language is going to die off. If a culture is strong and powerful, the language is going to be spread along with the culture and grow. If the culture is weak or dyeing off the language of that culture is going to be weak and die off with it.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Hunter gatherer era essays
The Hunter gatherer era essays The Stone Age was a time early in the development of human cultures before the use of metals when tools and weapons were made of stone, and human food was mainly produced from hunting and gathering. The dates of the Stone Age vary considerably for different parts of the world and even until very recently there were some cultures that lived in much the same way as the hunter-gatherers of thousands of years ago. In the Stone Age, the hunting and gathering of food was the norm. The males of this time specialized in hunting - usually with stone-tipped weapons, while the females gathered items. Incidental tools were the first tools to be used. These tools were stones, sticks and other such items that the early humans found just lying about. Next came dawn stones the first stone tools to be fashioned. These were usually crudely chipped pebbles or flaked stone implements that were used for many purposes, but dawn stones also included the stone and anvil which was used for breaking bones open to get to the marrow deep inside. Over time, a wide variety of tools were made for many purposes. By about 100,000 years ago, humans already had several types of stone tools and were using bone and wood implements as well. As time went by, these modern humans (Homo sapiens) made such specialized tools as bone needles, bone fishhooks, nets, hand axes, choppers, scrapers, backed knives, burins, points, spears, and wooden bows Needles were used to sew animal skins together for clothing using sinews as the thread. Fishhooks and nets were used to catch fish. Hand-axes could be used for cutting meat, scraping skins, chopping wood, digging holes, and hammering bone or wood. Choppers were used for smashing bones open to obtain marrow, hacking wood, softening meat, and possibly as a primitive hammer. Scrapers were deployed for dressing hides and possibly obtaining meat from bones. ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
15 French Words and Phrases That Dont Mean That in French
15 French Words and Phrases That Dont Mean That in French 15 French Words and Phrases That Don’t Mean That in French 15 French Words and Phrases That Don’t Mean That in French By Mark Nichol This post lists a number of words and phrases used in English that are derived from French but are no longer employed with the same idiomatic sense in French (if they ever were). Each term is followed by the literal French translation, a brief definition, and a comment about its status in French and how the French language conveys the idiom. 1. au jus (â€Å"with juice†): a brothlike meat sauce (the phrase is often incorrectly treated on menus as â€Å"with au jus†)- obsolete in French except for the slang phrase à ªtre au jus (roughly, â€Å"be with juice†) 2. cause cà ©là ¨bre (â€Å"celebrated cause†): controversial or emotionally weighted issue- obsolete in French, but originally referred to a sensational or unusual legal decision or trial 3. demimonde (â€Å"half world†): fringe group or subculture, or prostitutes as a class- obsolete in French, though une demi-mondaine refers to a prostitute (in English, demimondaine is synonymous with â€Å"kept woman†) 4. double entendre (â€Å"double to hear†): a comment that can have a second, often provocative, connotation- faulty grammar in French, which uses double sens (â€Å"double sense†) 5. en masse (â€Å"in a masse†): all together- in French, refers to a physical grouping, so when using that language, one would not refer to a chorus of voices as being en masse 6. encore (â€Å"again†): additional songs played after the scheduled end of a concert, or a call for such an extended performance- in French, â€Å"Une autre! (â€Å"Another!†) 7. en suite (â€Å"as a set†): usually refers to a bedroom and bathroom connected to each other- not used as such in French 8. esprit de l’escalier (â€Å"wit of the stairs†): a witty comment one thinks of only after the opportunity to share it has passed (when one is departing a social occasion)- nearly obsolete in French 9. in lieu (â€Å"in place of†): instead of- a partial translation; in French, au lieu 10. legerdemain (â€Å"light of hand†): deception in stage magic- not used in French 11. marquee (â€Å"awning†): sign above a venue announcing the featured entertainment- not used in French 12. passà © (â€Å"past,†â€Å"passed,†or â€Å"faded†): unfashionable- in French, passà © de mode (â€Å"way of the past†) 13. pià ©ce de resistance (â€Å"a piece that resists†): the best, or the main dish or main item- in French, plat de rà ©sistance (â€Å"dish that resists†) 14. rouge (â€Å"red†): blusher, or red makeup- in French, fard joues (though lipstick of any color is rouge là ¨vres) 15. venue (â€Å"arrival†)- location- not used as such in French Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Useful Stock Phrases for Your Business Emails"Have" vs "Having" in Certain Expressions30 Words Invented by Shakespeare
15 French Words and Phrases That Dont Mean That in French
15 French Words and Phrases That Dont Mean That in French 15 French Words and Phrases That Don’t Mean That in French 15 French Words and Phrases That Don’t Mean That in French By Mark Nichol This post lists a number of words and phrases used in English that are derived from French but are no longer employed with the same idiomatic sense in French (if they ever were). Each term is followed by the literal French translation, a brief definition, and a comment about its status in French and how the French language conveys the idiom. 1. au jus (â€Å"with juice†): a brothlike meat sauce (the phrase is often incorrectly treated on menus as â€Å"with au jus†)- obsolete in French except for the slang phrase à ªtre au jus (roughly, â€Å"be with juice†) 2. cause cà ©là ¨bre (â€Å"celebrated cause†): controversial or emotionally weighted issue- obsolete in French, but originally referred to a sensational or unusual legal decision or trial 3. demimonde (â€Å"half world†): fringe group or subculture, or prostitutes as a class- obsolete in French, though une demi-mondaine refers to a prostitute (in English, demimondaine is synonymous with â€Å"kept woman†) 4. double entendre (â€Å"double to hear†): a comment that can have a second, often provocative, connotation- faulty grammar in French, which uses double sens (â€Å"double sense†) 5. en masse (â€Å"in a masse†): all together- in French, refers to a physical grouping, so when using that language, one would not refer to a chorus of voices as being en masse 6. encore (â€Å"again†): additional songs played after the scheduled end of a concert, or a call for such an extended performance- in French, â€Å"Une autre! (â€Å"Another!†) 7. en suite (â€Å"as a set†): usually refers to a bedroom and bathroom connected to each other- not used as such in French 8. esprit de l’escalier (â€Å"wit of the stairs†): a witty comment one thinks of only after the opportunity to share it has passed (when one is departing a social occasion)- nearly obsolete in French 9. in lieu (â€Å"in place of†): instead of- a partial translation; in French, au lieu 10. legerdemain (â€Å"light of hand†): deception in stage magic- not used in French 11. marquee (â€Å"awning†): sign above a venue announcing the featured entertainment- not used in French 12. passà © (â€Å"past,†â€Å"passed,†or â€Å"faded†): unfashionable- in French, passà © de mode (â€Å"way of the past†) 13. pià ©ce de resistance (â€Å"a piece that resists†): the best, or the main dish or main item- in French, plat de rà ©sistance (â€Å"dish that resists†) 14. rouge (â€Å"red†): blusher, or red makeup- in French, fard joues (though lipstick of any color is rouge là ¨vres) 15. venue (â€Å"arrival†)- location- not used as such in French Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Useful Stock Phrases for Your Business Emails"Have" vs "Having" in Certain Expressions30 Words Invented by Shakespeare
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Trade and labour standards Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Trade and labour standards - Thesis Example Bringing about this issue within the framework of WTO would indicate the enhancement of working conditions around the world. The proposed working group would be responsible for studying the trade and core labour standards. Many developing as well as some developed countries however argue against this proposition because such core labour standards should technically not be a part of the WTO. Developing countries’ representatives argue that such policies might subjugate the comparative advantage of the lower wage in developing nations. In fact the improved working conditions according to the essential labour standards require high scale improvements in the infrastructure of the workplace which is often not conducive to a developing nation. In a developing nation with relatively lower economic growth such enforcements of standards would bring about poverty and some lapse of time in improving working standards. The compulsion to stick to the labour standards and the need towards l abour market flexibility work together to bring out protests and non-cooperative approach of the workers especially in nations where political structures favored some voice to the workers.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Once more to the lake Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Once more to the lake - Essay Example "Once More to the Lake" is an essay first published in Harper's magazine in 1941 by author E. B. White. In "Once More to the Lake," White revisits his ideal boyhood vacation spot. He finds great joy in his visit, which causes him to struggle to remember that he is now a man. The present research has identified that in the story â€Å"Once more to the lake†the author vividly remembers his childhood days because he has started taking his son to the very same spot and everything in his memory about the spot is refreshed. The author talks about the various insects that are found in the lake and how his son had never seen such slimy insects, he says that he had only seen them from a distance but it was now his chance to see them closely and also see how they react to human presence. The author is also reminded of a near-death experience in the closing stages of the story and he also emphasizes on the fact that we all should be as close to nature as possible because nature ti me and again reminds us of the fact that all human beings are mortal. The researcher of this paper has rightly presented that being close to nature also gives us several great memories to cherish just like the author has several sweet memories to cherish about his childhood days, he gets to relive all those memories with his little boy this is what makes this story special in more ways than one.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Future of Early Childhood Education Essay Example for Free
The Future of Early Childhood Education Essay If you ask someone to list for you the most important jobs of our society, teachers always make the list sometimes beating out careers like doctor or lawyer. Ironically, for a career we value so much, teaching has never been a well paying profession. But times are about to change. Due to an increasing demand and a fixed supply, salaries for early education teachers are expected to increase within the next decade. The United States Board of Labor ranks this career as one of the highest paying of the next ten years, with an expected median tenure salary of over ninety thousand by the year 2012. Even taking into account inflation, working conditions, and different peoples preferred lifestyle, it is reasonable to say that a career in early childhood education can provide a very comfortable living. The law of supply and demand helps us understand how price is set in our society. It states that if the supply of a good increases, or if the demand of a good decreases, then the price of the good drops. The opposite is also true, if the supply decreases and the demand increases, than a good becomes more expensive. The theory of supply and demand is very powerful, and can be applied to many different things. In this paper, it will be used to explain why teachers salaries are expected to increase a great deal. The number of teachers will be the supply, the need for teachers will be the demand, and salaries will be the price that will be affected. In 2002 there were over two million positions for early education teachers in the United States. Of the teachers in those jobs, about 1. 5 million were elementary school teachers, 424,000 were preschool teachers, and 168,000 were kindergarten teachers(Outlook). The majority of these teachers worked for the local government educational services, with about ten percent working for private schools. While the majority of preschool teachers are employed by child daycare services. Geographically, teaching positions vary with the population. Highly populated areas have more employment opportunities. Every year, a greater number of students enroll into the United States school system. More students increase the need for more schools and qualified teachers. In addition to the population growth, a number of initiatives have been implemented in a few states, but not nationwide, to improve the quality of education. The initiatives include the reduction of class size in the early elementary grades, mandatory preschool for four year olds, and all-day kindergarten. More teachers will be needed than are currently available if states and their local districts plan to enact any of these measures, preschool and early elementary school teachers are particularly in demand. Job openings for early childhood teachers within the next ten years are expected to be excellent. This is due in part to a government plan to great new teaching jobs. In the 1999 federal budget, Congress allocated funding to hire approximately 30,000 new teachers nationwide(section1). However the number of openings depends on locality, grade level, and subjects taught. These funds are targeted for needy school districts as part of a seven-year plan to hire 100,000 new teachers(section 1). These new openings will appear in poorer communities were salaries are currently lower, however because of the limited supply of teachers they will have to compete with wealthy distracts in order to attract teachers. Schools will be forced to raise salaries, bonuses, and benefits to attract teachers to these new jobs. These new jobs created by the government are not the only openings for teachers expected in the next ten years. Most job openings will be due to the expected retirement of a large number of teachers. Approximately half of the early childhood teachers in the workforce today are expected to retire within the next ten years. Studies estimate a demand of well over two million new teachers to fill these positions. Adding to the demand is the high turnover rate among new teachers and teachers working in poorer urban schools. Replacing all these teachers would be like trying to replace ever doctor in the United States today, but why will we need all these teachers? The children of the baby boomer generation are getting older, doesnt that mean that we are expecting a lower enrollment for earlier grades? No, in fact the opposite is true. Student enrollments will still be a key factor in the demand for teachers, in the next ten years. While the number or students expected to enter the school system is expected to rise at a slower rate than in the past, the expected number is still growing; resulting in average employment growth for all early childhood teachers. While the demand for teachers is increasing, the supply of teachers has been decreasing steadily since the 1970s. Historically, teachers have been paid significantly less than other professionals with their same level of education. Because of this, people have been more attracted to pursuing careers in business, medicine, or law, which have typically paid more. This resulted in few new entries into the teaching professionals, and an aging of the professionals currently working. As the demand for teachers increases in the next decade, more than half of those currently teaching will retire by 2012. While there is a great need for new teachers, there are barriers of entry into the profession that reduces the amount of people that are qualified to enter the field. All 50 States and the District of Columbia require public school teachers to be licensed. Licensure is not required for teachers in private schools. Usually licensure is granted by the State Board of Education or a licensure advisory committee. Teachers may be licensed to teach the early childhood grades (usually preschool through grade 3); the elementary grades (grades 1 through 6 or 8); the middle grades (grades 5 through 8); a secondary-education subject area (usually grades 7 through 12); or a special subject, such as reading or music (usually grades kindergarten through 12) (Outlook) The requirements for the regular license to teach kindergarten threw twelfth grade are different depending on the state. But no matter which state you apply, all prospective teachers are required to have a bachelors degree, a specified number of subject and education credits in an approved teacher-training program, and have to have supervised practice in teaching in a classroom environment. Different states have additional requirements, like having to complete a masters degree, having to have graduated with a certain grade point average, or special technological training. Most states require applicants to be tested for basic skills, like reading, writing, and in teaching. Almost all states require the teacher to exhibit proficiency in his or her subject. The number of teachers employed is not only dependent on how much the state and local government has set aside in its legislation to increase the quantity and quality in its districts. At the Federal level, the No Child Left Behind Act has recently been enacted. Although the full impact of this act is not yet known, its emphasis on ensuring that all schools hire and retain only qualified teachers, should lead to an increase in funding for schools that currently lack such teachers. The purpose of this legislation has been to increase the quality of the teachers in the workforce. To achieve this goal school systems are working to create a performance-based system for licensure. This would mean that not only would teachers have to have experience, but would have to show reasonable results for a defined period of time before they would be granted a provisional license. Due to No Child Left Behind Act, the test scores that their students attain will undoubtedly measure a teachers performance. All this would be in addition to passing a standardized exam in ones subject. Once a teacher is licensed, most states require continued education in order to have that license renewed. Licensing requirements for preschool teachers are also different in each state. Requirements for public preschool teachers are usually higher than those for private preschool teachers. Some states require a bachelors degree in early childhood education, others require an associates degree, and still others require certification by a nationally recognized authority. The Child Development Associate credential, the most common type of certification, requires a mix of classroom training and experience working with children, along with an independent assessment of an individuals competence. In 2002, the average annual salaries of kindergarten, elementary, and middle school teachers were reported to be forty to forty five thousand dollars a year or greater, with the lowest salaries recorded as twenty five thousand a year and the highest being seventy thousand a year. These salaries differ according to the location of the teacher. For example, teachers in wealthier suburban communities tend to earn more than teachers in urban schools. Also, while public schoolteachers tend to earn an average of forty five thousand dollars a year, private school teachers earn an average of fifteen thousand less. By the year 2012, the Board of Labor estimates the median salary of early childhood teachers to be approximately ninety thousand dollars, with the high salaries reaching as high as one hundred and ten thousand dollars a year. In addition to their salaried, teachers can increase their earnings in several ways. Most public schools, and some private, pay teachers bonuses for coaching sports or working with extra curricular activities. Some public schools pay teachers up to twenty dollars an hour for the overtime work, which can increase their annual income by an average of fifteen thousand dollars a year. Teachers can also raise their salary by getting a greater degree, like a national certification, masters, or PhD. Several teacher also choose to work threw their summer breaks for additional income, by teaching summer school or pervading other labor for the school district. While there is no estimates on how much teachers supplemental income is expected to increase by 2012, is it safe to assume that any benefits and bonuses will increase as well, in order to make teaching more attractive to qualified professionals. Standards of living are very subjective; it is possible that no two people would be able to decide what the standard is for a comfortable lifestyle. Our lifestyle depends on a great many things, our different taste, values, background and culture. However a survey of early education teachers in the New Jersey area shows that most teachers currently enjoy a lower middle class lifestyle. A majority of teachers feel that teaching affords them a comfortable lifestyle. Many live in suburban neighborhoods, own their own homes, own cars, are able to safe for the future, and have a little extra income for luxuries like fine dinning and vacations. Currently, teachers that enjoy this lifestyle are married and live in a multiple income household. However, most teachers that are entry level and rely on a single income find themselves living from paycheck to paycheck. While they feel they have enough to support themselves, they are not afforded the luxuries that their tenured, double income colleagues enjoy. However the future looks bright for early childhood teachers. The average salary for teachers is expected to more than double in the next ten years, from the current average of forty thousand to an expected average of ninety thousand by 2012. Salaries for some are expected to be as high as one hundred and ten thousand, depending on the region and subject taught. Salaries this high would allow teachers depending on only one income to enjoy the same luxuries that their married colleagues enjoy today, and teacher that life in multiple income households are expected to enjoy an upper middle class lifestyle. However, some people might notice that prices are higher today than they where ten years ago, and it seems that every year the average cost of living keeps increasing. This phenomenon is called inflation. Just because teachers will make more money in the future does not mean that that theyre standards of living will increase, because the cost of living will also be higher in the next ten years. To determine if there will be an increase in the standards of living for early high school teachers, we have to compare the increase in their salaries to the expected rate of inflation. Within the next ten years teachers salaries are expected to increase by over fifty percent, while leading economist in the United States Federal Reserve Bank expect inflation in the same period of time to be only eighteen percent. This means salaries are expected to increase more than the cost of living is expected to increase, which means teachers will have more purchasing power. Using these estimates, a salary of ninety thousand in 2012 has the same purchasing power as a seventy five thousand dollar a year salary does today. Even taking inflation into account the standards of living for teachers will increase within the next ten years, but there are more factors than just income than affect peoples lifestyles. Most people on the United States value their family and health as much, if not more, than how much money they make. In a survey of early childhood teachers in New Jersey, most teachers valued the ability to finish work at a reasonable hour and spend more time with their family when asked what they valued most about their careers. Having a two month vacation also allows for more leisure time and, and time to be spent with family. Many teachers also have excellent benefits, provided by either the government or teachers unions. In 2002, more than half of all elementary, middle, and secondary school teachers belonged to unions? mainly the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association? that bargain with school systems over wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment (Outlook). Unions also bargain for increased benefits, including medical, dental and vision benefits for teachers and their dependents. How much a person makes and the things they can afford are not the only factors that affect your life style. For some people money may not be important, they may not value compensation as highly as they value personal fulfillment from what they do for a living. Some people need the satisfaction that they are making a difference in the world, and have the desire to do something meaningful with their lives. For people with these values, seeing students develop new skills and gain an appreciation of knowledge and learning can be very rewarding. In this sense, a career in early childhood education also provides. Our society values the importance of teachers as much, if not more than the importance of doctors. Preschool, kindergarten, and elementary school teachers play a vital role in the development of children. What children learn and experience during their early years can shape their views of themselves and the world and can affect their later success or failure in school, work, and their personal lives. Preschool, kindergarten, and elementary school teachers introduce children to mathematics, language, science, and social studies. They use games, music, artwork, films, books, computers, and other tools to teach basic skills. Preschool children learn mainly through play and interactive activities. Preschool teachers capitalize on childrens play to further language and vocabulary development (using storytelling, rhyming games, and acting games), improve social skills (having the children work together to build a neighborhood in a sandbox), and introduce scientific and mathematical concepts (showing the children how to balance and count blocks when building a bridge or how to mix colors when painting). Thus, a less structured approach, including small-group lessons, one-on-one instruction, and learning through creative activities such as art, dance, and music, is adopted to teach preschool children. Play and hands-on teaching also are used in kindergarten classrooms, but there academics begin to take priority. Primarily kindergarten teachers teach letter recognition, phonics, numbers, and awareness of nature and science, introduced at the preschool level. Teachers design classroom presentations to meet students needs and abilities. They also work with students individually. Teachers plan, evaluate, and assign lessons; prepare, administer, and grade tests; listen to oral presentations; and maintain classroom discipline. They observe and evaluate a students performance and potential and increasingly are asked to use new assessment methods. Including school duties performed outside the classroom, many teachers work more than forty hours a week. Part-time schedules are more common among preschool and kindergarten teachers. Although some school districts have gone to all-day kindergartens, most kindergarten teachers still teach two kindergarten classes a day. Most teachers work the traditional ten-month school year with a two-month vacation during the summer One of todays biggest political issues has been that of Social Security, and the fear that there will not be enough money to cover all the people that are currently in the workforce. It is scary, but people that are thirties years old now might not be able to retire under social security, even though they have been paying into it for the past ten years. However, this is a problem that most new teachers will not have to live in fear of. In his 2005 State of the Union Address, President George W. Bush made a promise that all municipal workers will be guaranteed a pension when they retire. Weeks later a Federal Commission started planned a new defined contribution pension plan. The new plan resembles what is commonly called a defined benefit plan, which was a popular pension plan for large corporations up until the 1990s when 401k retirement plans became popular. The appeal of the defined benefit plan is that it guarantees you a fixed monthly income for the years you are expected to live after retirement. The amount of that monthly income is based on the salary you have when youre working, and is designed to maintain your same standards of living that you enjoyed while working. Unlike the 401k, the employer funds a defined benefit plan. Most States have tenure laws that prevent teachers from being fired without just cause and due process. Teachers may obtain tenure after they have satisfactorily completed a probationary period of teaching, normally three years. Tenure does not absolutely guarantee a job, but it does provide some security. In conclusion, increasing enrollment in the school system is increasing demand for new teachers. New legislation to increase the quality of education, barriers of entry, as well as a large number of teachers reaching the age of retirement is reducing the supply of qualified teachers. As a result, according to the theory of supply and demand, the price that society must pay for qualified teachers must increase. Salaries for teachers must increase in order to attract enough teachers to fill the demand that society has for them. The greater the gap between supply and demand, the greater the price must increase in order to fill the gap. As salaries increase, so will the standards of living for teachers. A teachers salary will not only provide a person with the means to make a living, but they will also have expendable income for savings and luxuries that will lead to a more comfortable life style. Most teachers will also have benefits that will provide for their well being and health, as well as the health of their families. They will have more time off than other professionals, which will provide them the luxury of pursuing other interests outside of their career. This includes taking vacation, exploring other career opportunities, or just spending time with their families. State employed teachers will not have to worry about retirement, because they are guaranteed a pension salary once they retire. Teachers will not have to stress or fear for the future like some other members of the workforce who were relying on social security. Early childhood teachers also have the satisfaction of having a career in one of the most respected professions in our society. They will have to fulfillment of knowing that what they do makes a difference. Works Cited Case, Karl E. Principles of Macroeconomics Sixth Edition. Prentice Hall Van Dalen, Deobold B. Looking Ahead To Teaching Allyn and Bacon, Inc. Boston. Kahn, Alfred J. Child Care: Facing the Hard Choices Auburn House Publishing Company. Massachusetts. Occupational Outlook Handbook U. S. Department of Labor http://stats. bls. gov/search/ooh. asp? qu=teachersct=OOH (2005) Critical Issues Facing the Teaching Profession The South Carolina Center for Teacher Recrutement (2004) http://www. cerra. org/sectionone. pdf Cameron, Bruce New municiple fund may well be the shape of things to come August 14, 2004 Personal Finance Magazine.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Racism in the south Essay -- essays research papers fc
Antebellum is defined at as "Belonging to the period before a war, especially the American Civil War."1 In the Antebellum period in the South, many people owned slaves. In the south, plantations were "the most basic unit and the most vital element of the Southern antebellum economy."2 But at the heart of these plantations were the slaves. So vicariously, the slaves of the South were the most vital part of the Southern economy. Slaves, although taken from Africa, were still able to hold onto their religious traditions and beliefs. They would incorporate their traditions into the Christian belief structure that the south had already setup. They kept their dances, chants, songs, etc. by disguising them into their master's religion, thereby ensuring that it would be passed down from generation to generation. The slaves weren't treated as even close to equals to their masters. Their masters would live in the mansion of the plantation, while the slaves would dwell in recklessly built cabins that were separated from the rest of the plantation. These quarters were where the African American culture began to take shape. They began to be inspired to want what the white man wanted, and what they were denied. Slave labor was handed out by what each slave itself was capable of. If a slave were to finish a job early, he would be able to get the rest of the day off for recreational purposes. Not only that, but if a slave were to finish two jobs in one day, then he would receive the next day off. This day was commonly referred to as a "Holiday." This rewards system created a more competitive edge to work in the fields, making the slave production increase. This also made the slaves more content, and less persuaded to run. On the other hand, there were punishments also. "Exceptional misbehavior also warranted the attention of the slavemaster and his wrath."2 The beatings, whippings, etc. were unpredictable. The beatings didn't need an explanation. It wasn't like the law was going to step in, because it was your property and you could do whatever you wanted with it. It would be like if you were to throw your computer out of a 10-story window. Its your property and you can do whatever you want with it. That was their view on slaves at the time. The plantation owners primarily bought the male... ...s."3 Most slaves worked on plantations, but about 20% of the slave population of the south worked in the cities. They often were only domestics, but they sometimes were tradesmen. Some were sold out to other people for a day or up to several years. Obviously nobody likes to be enslaved, so they did try to slow down the southern economic machine. They would destroy crops, dismantle machinery, slow their work pace, etc. Others went for a more direct approach. They killed or mutilated themselves so that their property value would go down. Thousands of slaves ran away. They would hide in swamps or forests for weeks or months. Some escaped to the north where they would be free. Slavery in the south was the economic heart. The slaves were treated as if they weren't human, and were only property. The Antebellum period in the South was an important period in history. It will never be forgotten. Sources Cited 1 URL: 2 URL: 3 URL: Racism in the south Essay -- essays research papers fc Antebellum is defined at as "Belonging to the period before a war, especially the American Civil War."1 In the Antebellum period in the South, many people owned slaves. In the south, plantations were "the most basic unit and the most vital element of the Southern antebellum economy."2 But at the heart of these plantations were the slaves. So vicariously, the slaves of the South were the most vital part of the Southern economy. Slaves, although taken from Africa, were still able to hold onto their religious traditions and beliefs. They would incorporate their traditions into the Christian belief structure that the south had already setup. They kept their dances, chants, songs, etc. by disguising them into their master's religion, thereby ensuring that it would be passed down from generation to generation. The slaves weren't treated as even close to equals to their masters. Their masters would live in the mansion of the plantation, while the slaves would dwell in recklessly built cabins that were separated from the rest of the plantation. These quarters were where the African American culture began to take shape. They began to be inspired to want what the white man wanted, and what they were denied. Slave labor was handed out by what each slave itself was capable of. If a slave were to finish a job early, he would be able to get the rest of the day off for recreational purposes. Not only that, but if a slave were to finish two jobs in one day, then he would receive the next day off. This day was commonly referred to as a "Holiday." This rewards system created a more competitive edge to work in the fields, making the slave production increase. This also made the slaves more content, and less persuaded to run. On the other hand, there were punishments also. "Exceptional misbehavior also warranted the attention of the slavemaster and his wrath."2 The beatings, whippings, etc. were unpredictable. The beatings didn't need an explanation. It wasn't like the law was going to step in, because it was your property and you could do whatever you wanted with it. It would be like if you were to throw your computer out of a 10-story window. Its your property and you can do whatever you want with it. That was their view on slaves at the time. The plantation owners primarily bought the male... ...s."3 Most slaves worked on plantations, but about 20% of the slave population of the south worked in the cities. They often were only domestics, but they sometimes were tradesmen. Some were sold out to other people for a day or up to several years. Obviously nobody likes to be enslaved, so they did try to slow down the southern economic machine. They would destroy crops, dismantle machinery, slow their work pace, etc. Others went for a more direct approach. They killed or mutilated themselves so that their property value would go down. Thousands of slaves ran away. They would hide in swamps or forests for weeks or months. Some escaped to the north where they would be free. Slavery in the south was the economic heart. The slaves were treated as if they weren't human, and were only property. The Antebellum period in the South was an important period in history. It will never be forgotten. Sources Cited 1 URL: 2 URL: 3 URL:
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Campus Food Systems
Cindy Breen is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in food service manage and part of the program is serving as intern with Campus Food Systems. One of the tasks Cindy is required to perform is preparing a report addressing work accidents in the food service areas. The report will address health and safety hazards as well as work related incidents of which there have been 46 to this point in her findings. Additionally, Cindy’s boss Jack has also implied that her grade for the internship as well as a good job recommendation is dependent on how she handles the accident report (Ivancevich, 2010).Even though Cindy is faced with deciding whether to do as her boss has requested, she should make the right decisions for the university, its employees and herself. In order to create a safe and healthy workplace, Cindy has to inform her boss she refuses to omit any incident or minimize accidents from the report just because her boss (Jack Platt) is more interested in the bottom l ineâ€â€profits and productivity. In fact some employers, injuries and illnesses as a routine part of the job and the only thing that matters is the bottom lineâ€â€profits and productivity (Friend & Kohn, 2010).In light of the fact that Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) allows employees to call and request inspections anonymously, Cindy must call OSHA and request an inspection of CFS. The accidents in which several employees had cut their hands on the meat slicer was due to safety hazards such as poorly maintained equipment and unsafe machinery. The incident involving a case of severe salmonella poisoning of a student, needs to be reported to not only OSHA, but the President of the school immediately. The student became so ill he spent three months in the hospital due to the health hazard of handling diseased seafood.While the students are not allowed to handle raw seafood, violations of this rule occur frequently which results in high absenteeism and turno ver of full-time personnel (Ivancevich, 2010). Given Cindy’s level of angst concerning the high number of incidents and accidents that have occurred over the last year and that her boss wants her to falsify the report, she needs to address her concerns and findings to take her findings to President of the school and persuade him to take action immediately to prevent these accidents/incidents from happening again and to protect the school from possible lawsuit.Additionally, she needs to notify the state and OSHA officials concerning this issue (Ivancevich, 2010). Cindy has several options available to her to improve and health and safety of the CFS work environment. These options/approaches include prevention and design; training and motivation; audits and inspections; and giving managers and supervisors the authority to make changes within the work place to prevent accidents and injuries (Ivancevich, 2010).Prevention and design approach designs additional safety into the work place through safety engineering (Ivancevich, 2010). Another option is for Cindy to recommend the establishment of a safety team to advise management on the consequence of not improving work place health and safety in terms of economic, legal and moral reasons. One of the responsibilities of CFS’ safety team would the training of the employeesâ€â€demonstrating a healthy and safe working setting by showing them how to deal with hazardous characteristics of a liquid that is flammable.Besides, a safe and healthy work environment is the right thing to do for other employees, themselves and the company unlike Jake who doesn't care about the safety of employees by encouraging omissions on the report (Friend & Kohn, 2010). The CFS safety team would also be responsible for developing communicating and information strategies to inform employees and prevent injuries while reducing risks. The safety team would also conduct in-depth analysis of incidents and accidents so as to identi fy risk factors (Stellman, 1998).Given the fact that most supervisors of workers are responsible for occupational health and safety in the work place, supervisors and managers must have the power to redesign work processes within their area to accomplish this. The flip side of this is the financial loss due to injuries/accidents which may adversely affect the bottom line (Friend & Kohn, 2010). Cindy Breen cannot simply brush away her findings like her boss (Jack Platt) would like for her to do.Regardless how hard you try and hide unethical practices and behaviors, the truth always comes out. Unfortunately it is always at the expense of not only the school, but employees and students alike. Whether Cindy minimizes her accident/incident report is ultimately up to her to make the right ethical decision. Jack Platt needs to be relieved of his job for the unethical behavior of falsifying documents that are to be sent to OSHA.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
John Brown, an Abolitionist
â€Å"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. †– Edmund Burke Throughout the existence of slavery in America, white abolitionists have played a crucial role in the fight for the freedom of blacks. They all risked everything, and fueled by passion stepped outside of the societal norm to fight for those unable to fight. However, few white abolitionists caused as much controversy during their time as John Brown. Brown was an abolitionist who not only spoke out on his beliefs, but backed up them up with action.He was so contentious that he was able to be considered a hero and a terrorist at the same time. Although Brown’s actions were considered debatable, it can be agreed upon today that they were necessary. John Brown was born in 1800 into a deeply religious family with a father who was vigorously opposed to slavery. He went through many jobs including being a farmer, wool merchant, tanner, and land speculator, but was never fina ncially successful. He also traveled about the country living in places such as Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and New York all while managing to father a total of twenty children.However, his lack of money and his family life didn’t stop him for fighting for what he believed in; the abolition of slavery. Though Brown was most famously known for his raid on Harpers Ferry, his involvement in anti-slavery had begun long before. And although he was known for being violent, not all of his efforts and actions resulted in bloodshed. He began his fight for slavery quite peacefully by giving some of his own land to fugitive slaves. He then adopted and raised a black baby with his wife as his own child.Brown had also participated in the Underground Railroad, helping the hiding and movement of black slaves throughout the country. In 1847 Brown had met the famous black abolitionist Frederick Douglas who described brown as â€Å"though a white gentleman, [Brown] is in sympathy a bla ck man, and as deeply interested in our case as though his own soul had been pierced with the iron of slavery†(Africans in America). By 1849 Brown had moved into the black community of North Elba, New York, where the blacks referred to him as â€Å"a kind father to them†(Africans in America).Looking at Brown’s proceedings at this point, it’s hard to imagine how someone who fought for something so good could be considered by many to be so bad. However, as time went on and the fight for freedom in America grew more widespread, Brown’s controversial methods and violence began to develop. Brown’s move in 1855 to the Kansas territory with his five sons was when he started to gain his major significance as a figure in the antislavery fight. During this time there was a huge debate going on if Kansas was going to be a free of slave state due to its new entrance as a territory.Brown saw this as a massive opportunity, and arrived heavily armed, expl oding with passion, and ready to fight. Brown was involved in numerous scuffles and hostilities, but one act led by him plunged Bleeding Kansas into more violence. Incensed by the sacking of Lawrence in May 1856 by pro-slavery supporters and the failure of the free-state men to retaliate, Brown led a midnight raid on a group of slavery sympathizers at Pottawatomie Creek. The raiders killed five men, which sparked the Battle of Black Jack and the border war that raged across northeast Kansas in the summer of 1856.He had also led an attack the same year on a proslavery town and brutally killed five of its settlers. Now Brown was commonly known as an outlaw, due to his increasingly violent methods of protest. However, his next and final act, the raid of Harpers Ferry, would be the most notorious moment in Brown’s life. Brown had spent the summer of 1858 looking to raise money to fund his war against slavery. He wanted to create an â€Å"army†that he would lead on a grand â€Å"battle†(Reynolds). This army consisted of he and 21 other men, 5 blacks and 16 whites, and the battle was a raid on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry.On October 16, 1856 Brown and his men, heavily armed with rifles, attacked Harpers Ferry in West Virginia (at that time it was just Virginia). His plan was to seize the 100,000 muskets and rifles that were located in the armory and use them to arm the local slaves. From there, they would head south, gathering more and more slaves from plantations, and fighting in a manner of â€Å"self defense†(Reynolds). He had even asked Harriet Tubman to join him in the raid; however she was ill and unable to join him.Her participation would have been interesting, and perhaps tragic, as she was the escaped slave that founded the Underground Railway. John’s plan was that the slaves would revolt and battle against their masters. However, this plan would not succeed. The Raid at Harpers Ferry would be a beginning to the Civil War and an end for John Brown. The raid initially went well, they were able to capture the armory due it being guarded by a single watchmen. They then rounded up hostages from some local farms, one being the great grad nephew of George Washington, and spread the news to the local slaves.Unfortunately, Brown and his men soon found themselves surrounded by the U. S Marines led by Colonel Robert E. Lee and were commanded to surrender. Brown initially refused, stating â€Å"No, I prefer to die here†(New World Encyclopedia). Soon the power of the Marines was too much, Brown had become wounded, and he and the survivors of the raid became detained. Brown was taken to Charleston, Virginia where he was given a trial. Before hearing his sentence Brown was permitted to make an address to the court, where he tried to tell the people to look at slavery in a different way.He spoke of the terrible treatment of slaves, how they were essentially unpaid laborers, how families were torn apart and sold, the terrible housing conditions, and how they were beaten and raped. He told the nation â€Å"†¦I believe to have interfered as I have done,†¦ in behalf of his despised poor, was not wrong, but right. Now, if it be deemed necessary that I should forfeit my life for the furtherance of the ends of justice, and mingle my blood further with the blood of millions in the slave country whose rights are disregarded by wicked, cruel, and unjust enactments, I submit: so let it be done†(Trial of John Brown).John Brown was found guilty and convicted of treason and on December 2, 1859 he was hanged. On his way to be hung at the gallows, Brown had slipped a note to a fellow prisoner that read â€Å"I, John Brown am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land: will never be purged away: but with Blood. I had as I know think: vainly flattered myself that without very much bloodshed; it might be done†(Brogan pg. 309). Not only was this a last word for Brown, but it eerily seemed to also be a prophetic forewarning of the soon-to-come Civil War.After his trial and death, the news had circulated all over of Brown’s life and death. The controversy ignited immediately, as if the country was covered in gasoline and Brown’s death was the match dropped upon it. He had even been coined the name â€Å"the ‘spark’ that caused the Civil War†(Frye). According to some, he was an abolitionist martyr, and had inspired many to keep fighting for freedom. But to others, he was a madman, murderer, and terrorist whose death brought about relief. Brown’s death had â€Å"hurled the country into conundrum†(Frye). So was he the liberator of Kansas or simply a crazed maniac?What made it such a tough topic was that even for those who supported antislavery, what he was fighting for seemed right but the way he went about it was questionable. The day after he was executed, Abraham Lincoln had said â€Å" old John Brown has been executed for treason against the state, we cannot object, even though he agreed with us in thinking slavery was wrong. That cannot excuse violence, bloodshed, and treason. It could avail him nothing that he might think right now†(Striner pg. 101). However he did have many influential people that considered him to be a hero.Upon the news of his death, William Lloyd Garrison had said â€Å"was John Brown justified in his attempt? Yes, if Washington was in his. †Louisa May Alcott had called Brown â€Å"St. John the Just†and worshiped him (Frye). When Harriet Tubman heard the news of his death, she â€Å"mourned the death of her friends in the raid, and continued to hold John Brown as her hero†(Lewis). Henry David Thoreau had stated â€Å"No man in America has ever stood up so persistently and effectively for the dignity of human nature†¦Is it not possible that an individual may be right and a government wrong†¦Are laws t o be enforced simply because they were made†(Frye).The controversy that Brown had caused didn’t just exist during his time. Only fifty years ago, in 1959 (the midst of the civil rights movement) the Civil War Centennial Commission, established by Congress in September 1957 wanted to hold a celebratory remembrance of the Harpers Ferry Raid at the site in West Virginia. However research found that â€Å"The people of the South would be unanimous in opposition to any celebration of the John Brown raid, and most conservative people in the North would be strongly opposed to it†(Frye).It turned out that7/8ths of people at that time in the U. S were seriously concerned about the celebration. The one-eighth who weren’t? The African-American population. What made him so controversial is that when you have right and wrong clearly laid out, things aren’t that difficult to see. However, Brown didn’t just have people that were on his side, or not on his side. His violent way of fighting for the freedom of slaves caused people that generally were on his side, to find him too much of a hot topic to support, in a sense causing a division within the divisions.However, what wasn’t so clear then that is today is that those violent antics that got him into such trouble may in fact have been necessary as a desperate and final action that would in fact cause a physical reaction. John Brown knew that he had to pay the ultimate price in order to pursue his beliefs. That is what made him the abolitionist whose words and deeds provided the backbone and impetus for the Civil War and an end to slavery. His actions may have been extreme, but as seen repeated throughout history, the most influential figures and true fighters are the ones that didn’t just sit around and do nothing.Who John Brown was, what he stood for, and what made him such an important figure in American history can be seen in a quote by Edmund Burke, one of the few Englishmen who supported the American Revolution: â€Å"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. â€
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Cape Lion Facts
Cape Lion Facts Name: Cape Lion; also known as Panthera leo melanochaitus Habitat: Plains of South Africa Historical Epoch: Late Pleistocene-Modern (500,000-100 years ago) Size and Weight: Up to seven feet long and 500 pounds Diet: Meat Distinguishing Characteristics: Extensive mane; black-tipped ears  About the Cape Lion Of all the recently extinct offshoots of the modern lion- the European Lion (Panthera leo europaea), the Barbary Lion (Panthera leo leo), and the American Lion (Panthera leo atrox)- the Cape Lion (Panthera leo melanochaitus) may have the least claim to subspecies status. The last known adult specimen of this big-maned lion was shot in South Africa in 1858, and a juvenile was captured by an explorer a couple of decades later (it didnt survive long out of the wild). The trouble is, the various extant subspecies of lions have a tendency to interbreed and mix up their genes, so it may yet turn out that Cape Lions were an isolated tribe of Transvaal Lions, the remnants of which can still be found in South Africa. The Cape Lion has the dubious honor of being one of the few big cats to have been hunted, rather than harassed, into extinction: most individuals were shot and killed by European settlers, rather than slowly starving due to habitat loss or poaching of their accustomed prey. For a while, in the early 2000s, it seemed that the Cape Lion might be de-extincted: a zoo director from South Africa discovered a population of big-maned lions in Russias Novosibirsk Zoo, and announced plans to perform genome testing and (if the results were positive for fragments of Cape Lion DNA) attempt to re-breed the Cape Lion back into existence. Unfortunately, the zoo director died in 2010 and the Novosibirsk Zoo closed a couple of years later, leaving these putative Cape Lion descendants in limbo.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Make Saline Solution at Home
How to Make Saline Solution at Home Saline solution refers to a salt solution, which you can prepare yourself using readily available materials. The solution can be used as a disinfectant, sterile rinse, or for lab work. This recipe is a salt solution that is normal, which means it is the same concentration or isotonic to body fluids. The salt in saline solution discourages bacterial growth while rinsing away contaminants. Because the salt composition is similar to that of the body, it causes less tissue damage than you would get from pure water. Saline Solution Materials Technically, a saline solution results whenever you mix any salt with water. However, the easiest saline solution consists of sodium chloride (table salt) in water. For some purposes, its fine to use freshly mixed solution. In other cases, youll want to sterilize the solution. Keep the purpose in mind when you mix the solution. If for example, you are simply rinsing your mouth with saline solution as a dental rinse, you can mix any amount of table salt with warm water and call it good. If, however, you are cleaning a wound or want to use the saline solution for your eyes, its important to use pure ingredients and maintain sterile conditions. Salt:Â You can use salt from the grocery store. Its best to use non-iodized salt, which does not have iodine added to it. Avoid using rock salt or sea salt, since the added chemicals may cause problems for some purposes.Water:Â Use distilled water or reverse osmosis purified water over ordinary tap water. You want 9 grams of salt per liter of water or 1 teaspoon of salt per cup (8 fluid ounces) of water. Prepare the Saline Solution As a mouth rinse, you can simply dissolve the salt into very warm water. You may even wish to add a teaspoon of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). For a sterile solution, dissolve the salt in boiling water. Keep the solution sterile by placing a lid on the container so that no microorganisms get into the liquid or airspace as the solution cools. Foodcollection RF / Getty Images You can dispense the sterile solution into sterile containers. Sterilize containers either by boiling them or by treating them with a disinfecting solution, such as the type sold for home brewing or making wine. Its a good idea to label the container with the date and to discard it if the solution is not used within a few days. This solution could be used for treating new piercings or for wound care. Its important to avoid contaminating the liquid, so ideally make just as much solution as you need at a time, allow it to cool, and discard leftover liquid. The sterile solution will remain suitable for lab use for several days in its sealed container, but you should expect some degree of contamination once it is opened. Contact Lens Solution Although it is the proper salinity, this solution is not suitable for contact lenses. Commercial contact lens solution contains buffers that help protect your eyes, plus the solution includes agents to help keep the liquid sterile. Although homemade sterile saline could work to rinse lenses in a pinch, it is not a viable option unless you are familiar with aseptic techniques and use lab-grade chemicals.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Land Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Land Law - Essay Example This study looks into the law of land as a branch of law that regulates dealings related to land. Land is defined as a physical portion of the earth’s surface and resources that are found above and bellow the surface. The definition of land also extends to rights that are associated with land. This document covers the facts of the case: connor, a landowner decided to sell off part of his land in order to ease his financial strains. He intended to use the income for developing the remaining parts of his land. He sold his farmhouse to Jane on terms that the firm house shall be used as a residential facility for a single family. Similarly, he sold part of the farm to Bullhorn Company on terms that any subsequent owner of the sold part shall develop and maintain a fence, the sold portion shall not be used for more than twelve dwelling houses, and that the property shall strictly be used for residential purposes. Bullhorn developed twelve independent residential units and sold then to different parties on the terms that the owners shall strictly use the property for residential purposes and shall pay a vendor some maintenance fees for upkeep of the roadway. Jane also sold her property to Oscar who has since established a business enterprise within the property. Alex, one of the buyers from Bullhorn has also been using his house as a bail hostel, a commercial initiative. As a result, other house owners have expressed their dissatisfaction and have refused to maintain their fences as well as payments for road upkeep. Legal issues Covenants Covenants are obligations that are derived from agreements between two landowners. While one party incurs obligations, the other party consequently derives a benefit to the covenant. The common objectives for making covenants include restrictions to the use of the pieces of land or prescription of outline to a development plan. A covenant may for instance control the manner in which a person can use his or her piece of land o r even the status of the landowner. Though the general rule imposes rights and liabilities on the original parties to a covenant, th
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Analysis of the case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Analysis of the case - Essay Example It needs to involve younger generations in its activities so as to widen its customer base and introduce new activities that would attract children and young adults. The new entrants in the field and alternative modes of entertainment have emerged as important threats but the Trust enjoys committed members and huge array of assets and activities which are difficult to imitate. Most importantly, in the contemporary environment of technology driven activities, Trust’s use of social media offers cost effective opportunities for advertising its products and places which serve as key strength that could improve and improvise its operational efficiency and revenues. Social media could also be used to promote nature love amongst the children and teenagers. It would be an important breakthrough that would generate greater awareness amongst the youth and also attract them for jobs in the organization. National Trust promotes its activities through myriad ways. As an above the line promotion, it uses radio and places advertisements in the magazines and papers for segmented targeting so as to get maximum leverage. In recent times, it has started exploiting technology by using ‘augmented reality’ to showcase its activities and attract children and youth. Augmented reality encourages the use of smartphones to seek hidden characters which are highly attractive to the young generation who are increasingly using technology in their daily life. It is also using social media to create awareness regarding its activities and job profiles. The sharing of platform with the young generation helps to disseminate important information and generate new ideas which could be used to meet the demands of the young people. The promotional strategies of the Trust have proved highly successful as could be seen by the huge response from the creation of Wallace and Gromit character in the film, A Jubilee Bunt--thon that was made to
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
EARLY MOTIVATIONAL THEORIES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
EARLY MOTIVATIONAL THEORIES - Essay Example However, the theory that comes closest in understanding the motivation in human being in every sense is Abraham Maslow’s theory of ‘Hierarchy of Needs’. Unlike the ‘reward-punishment’ and ‘fair-unfair’ approach of motivation theories like ‘reinforcement theory’ by B.F. Skinner and ‘equity theory’ by John Adams respectively, the theory of ‘hierarchy of needs’ takes a ‘humanistic approach’ towards the motivation factor in human beings. It considers human beings as ‘humans’ and not ‘machines’ or ‘trainable’ beings who can be made to behave in certain way by giving them certain rewards in return. ‘Hierarchy of needs’ is the most developed and ‘human’ theory of motivation because it not only values the physical and psychological needs of human being, but also values the spiritual needs of human beings and hence, demonstrate that every human being has a spiritual dimension hidden in him which can be attained when his basic needs are fulfilled. The idea of ‘whole’ being Abraham Maslow was a revolutionary psychologist. He was instrumental in bringing a totally different kind of thinking, known as ‘the third force’, in the field of psychology. Maslow believed that religious aspects of human beings, like morality and spirituality, are as much a part of human nature as science is (Goble 32). He believed that if one is to truly understand the nature of human being, then one should study not only the ‘scientific’ aspects of his nature but also the spiritual and moral aspects (Goble 32). This belief led Abraham Maslow to develop the theory of motivation called as the ‘hierarchy of needs’. Maslow’s theory of human motivation is based on an understanding that human being is an integrated and organized ‘whole’ being and hence, when he is motivated to do something, then his ‘whole’ being gets involved in fulfilling the motivated act and not just a part of him (Goble 50). Hence, the desires and the needs that motivate human beings are related to each other and do not function independently from each other. The more complex the need and desire is, the higher are the chances of interrelation with other needs and desires (Goble 50). Hence, human beings cannot be motivated to perform by rewarding (ends) their individual needs (means) (Goble 50). An individual cannot be motivated to act unless all his interrelated needs are fulfilled. Hence, Maslow based his theory of motivation on the basis of the understanding that human being gets highly motivated only when he realizes that the needs of his ‘whole’ being are getting fulfilled. Hierarchy of needs Maslow has classified human needs into following five categories: 1. Physiological Needs According to Maslow, the physiological needs of food, liquid, shelter, sex, sleep and oxygen are the most powerful needs of human being as his physical survival depends on these needs (Goble 50). Once these needs are sufficiently satisfied, then the next category of needs emerge in the nature of the human beings. 2. The Safety Needs The safety needs of human beings are fulfilled when they experience security, consistency, fairness and routine at home and at school/work (Goble 54). When a person is denied of safety needs, he becomes neurotic and his need for order and control becomes a matter of life and death (Goble 54). This leads him to develop compulsive and neurotic attitude towards safety needs. When the safety needs are unfulfilled, then people get
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